This is the perfect hat for your vintage adventure travels where you'll be baking under a scorching hot sun, perhaps at an archeological dig or sailing down the Nile searching for undiscovered lands. With natural fibres, stitched and stiffened with eyelets to help release the hot air from your head, preventing heat stroke and delerium to set in. I can see you now sipping some gin to keep the mozzies at bay whilst wiping your brow with a silk scarf and checking your boots for snoozing scorpions. Whatever the scnario - this is the hat you need.
I do need better images so please bear with me, I shall update these asap.
- Possibly 60s could be earlier
Wide Snap Brim to protect from the scorching sun of the wilderness
- Stiffened and shaped Khaki canvas outer with brushed cotton lining.
- Eyelet ventilation holes
- Small fit 21" inner cicumferance